Webflow is the foundation of the digital ecosystem

Website development on the Webflow system

Why should you build your digital ecosystem on Webflow? According to my experience, Wordpress sites are more vulnerable, more difficult to maintain, and plug-ins should be constantly updated, but they often cause problems. In contrast, Webflow is closed, secure, and easy to maintain.

Török Balázs álló 2024
Why should you choose Webflow instead of Wordpress?

👴Wordpress OR 👦Webflow?

Wordpress problémák

Updates for Wordpress

Unlike Weblow, the foundations of Wordpress were created in 2003 and have been continuously updated since then, but we have to solve the various updates for this system. And in order to safely solve the various updates, we have to constantly consult with our webmaster, which entails regular costs, and those who use WP know that not all updates are perfect. On the other hand, with Webflow, we have to pay for the website, but we don't have to worry about updates either, the system is safe and doesn't crash.

Plug-ins and their management

Just as updates are mandatory for WP pages, so are the various plugins that allow us to properly operate the various functions on our website: SEO optimization, blog, webshop, payment, subscription system, etc. Webflow knows these at the same time, there is no need for plugins, which require additional updates during the various updates, which further increases the vulnerability and the possibility of the system crashing. Anyway, I used to say that WP sites are like Frankeinstein's monster, cheap, ugly, strong, but in return they can fall apart at any time.

Vulnerability and security

From the above, it follows that individual plugins and updates only increase the chance of malicious attacks against our Wordpress site, which the various plugin manufacturers try to prevent, therefore, if they find one, they release another update, which then or we dare to install it and our system doesn't crash - or yes. Webflow, like any web application, works with a simple and secure login, I have never encountered a viral WP with a hacked Webflow page.

Speed, page loading, SEO

If we build our Webflow site correctly, it will be extremely fast and SEO optimized, without the use of any plugins or additional plugins, since the code is prepared for us by the system itself. There is no need for plugins and since it forms a unified whole, page loading will be great! You can also check how different robots see your page with the Shema Validator and the Google Lighthouse tool!

Moldy house anecdote - Why is a good website important?

Watch it in the video!

Although it may seem expensive at first, a well-functioning and easy-to-edit website will speed up your marketing activities and make them more effective!


Companies that have honored me with their trust

This is how to get started if you want to develop a website for yourself on Webflow!

✅Webflow basics

Domain purchase and Webflow registration

In most cases, I buy domains on GoDaddy, if it is a Hungarian domain, I use RackHost for this. I haven't had a problem with either. Another advantage of GoDaddy is that it is easy to work with in a Webflow environment. You can read about other useful online marketing tools in this article.

Webflow basic settings

You can easily access the basic settings in Webflow, if you can use Facebook Ads, you won't have any problems with this either. Here you can modify the basic SEO settings, custom code, submitted forms (no separate plugin is required for this), and fonts. In addition, Webflow has automatic saving, so nothing you create is lost and restoring the previous state is simple and smooth. You can also easily check your own page to see if the SEO and other basic settings are correct with the help of Google Lighthouse and Schema Validator.

Török Balázs webfejlesztés Webflow alapokon

Webflow's interface, so design your website

It is not easy to design the first few pages with Webflow either, but once you get the hang of it, you can create great websites with it, and a lot of knowledge material and even free templates are available for the system, and installing and using them is much easier than in the case of Wordpress. There is no need for a separate SEO tool or a form creator, they are all included in the system by default.

Options: Webshop, subscription system

Just like other tools and functions, the webshop, user management and subscription system solutions are basically included in Webflow, and you don't need to install plugins separately to use them. And in 2024, the management of multilingualism will become even more fluid. The subscription system was still in beta when I was asked to create the Amotion website through Fiverr.

💡 Pay attention to these if you build your site in Webflow!

Watch it in the video!

Where should you buy a domain? What should you pay attention to in the settings? How do variables and styles work? How to upload pictures?

Find out more about the Webflow system!

📢Webflow case studies

webflow website

🟣Amotion - Subscription system on Webflow system

With Amotion, you can get fresh, user-generated content (UGC) every month, all through the subscription system created in Webflow.

B2b weboldalak motorja a webflow

🐘Prosperitas - also a great solution for B2B websites

Webflow and other systems are already very popular compared to Wordpress because of their simplicity and reliability.

Webflow - az ökoszisztéma

💚Green Fox Academy - proper foundations for an ecosystem

Webflow can also be a great solution for B2B or even B2C websites at home, as it is easy to use and reliable.

These materials can also help you get started with the Webflow system!

🎓Webflow course and supporting materials

Webflow alapozó, kezdő kurzus magyarul

[course] 🆓Free basic Webflow course

With this free foundation course, you can easily start exploring the Webflow system. It helps you learn quickly and avoid common mistakes.

5 egyszerű tipp webshop tulajdonosoknak

5 Simple tips for webshp owners

In this material, you will find five simple tools and tips on how to improve your webshop! Use it safely and download it now!

5 Tipp a versenytársaid lecsekkolásához

5 Tips for beating your competitors

I will present a few solutions with the help of which you can learn more about your competitors and what their marketing is like, how conscious it is.

Ask for my offer for creating a Webflow page

🏗️Webflow-based website and webshop development

Video Ask Balázs Török

Book an appointment with VideoAsk by clicking on the video!

Website creation, SEO optimization, blog. Get ahead of your competitors!

My clients are satisfied with their Webflow website. If you also want such a website, ask for a consultation, or if you want to create your website yourself, check out my free course!

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